Rolls-Royce Motor Cars PressClub · Contact.
Director of Global Communications
Emma Begley
+44 (0)7815 371062 / Email
Andrew Ball
Head of Corporate Relations and Heritage
+44 (0)7815 244064 / Email
Georgina Cox
Head of Global Product Communications
+44 (0)7815 370878 / Email
Marius Tegneby
Head of Global Luxury and Corporate Communications
+44 (0)7815 246106 / Email
Luke Strudwick
Sustainability and Corporate Communications Manager
+44 (0)7815 245918 / Email
Malika Abdullaeva
Global Lifestyle Communications
+44 7815 244874 / Email
Amanda Hewitt-Spicer
Head of Internal Communications
+44 7815 244131 / Email
The Americas
Gerry Spahn
+1 201 930 8308 / Email
Asia Pacific (South) and India
Juliana Tan
+65 9695 3840 Email
Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Frank Tiemann
+49 160 9697 5807 / Email
Central and Western Europe
Ruth Hilse
+49 89 382 60064 / Email
Ou Sun
+86 186 0059 0675 / Email
Middle East and Africa
Haya Shanata
+971 56 171 7883 / Email
United Kingdom and Ireland
Isabel Matthews
+44 (0)7815 245127 / Email